Saturday, August 16, 2014

Morning Wakeup...

Many years ago when I was in high-school, and then later on in college and the early years of my first real job, I woke up to the loud buzzing of an alarm clock.  It was a very handy piece of machinery, and when I remembered to set it, was very reliable.  It's one weak spot was the snooze button which became my friend and was more often than not the reason I found myself rushing to get showered, dressed and out of the house to get on with my day.

Later, there was a period of time in my life, where for reasons usually related to late nights out with friends, I found the alarm clock wasn't so reliable.  To be sure, it would go off, but was easily turned off and given my still inebriated condition, quickly forgotten.  Fortunately, I made it through this period without causing too much damage to myself or others.

And after emerging from this fog, I became fascinated with the idea of living a very disciplined sort of life, almost monk like in fact.  I was in bed by 9:30 and up at about 5:30.   I loved the feeling of being able to wake up in the still dark of the morning and have this time to myself and revel in the fact that I was simply able to do it.

Now, I'm older.  I'm a bit more tired.  My days are long and I have trouble falling asleep for reasons I will get to in later editions, and the morning is once again not so much my friend.  But what I do have  now that I didn't have before is an absolutely reliable alarm clock, one that simply won't take no for an answer.  And the truth is, I wouldn't trade her for anything.  Her picture is below.

Her name is Peggy.  This is a picture of her staring at me after having just woken me up.  She is very demanding.  If I don't reach down and start petting her upon immediately being awoken, she digs her nose under the covers looking for my arm reminding me that she is there and has once again done her job and that she should be rewarded for it.  In fact, I was barely able to grab my camera and get this shot off before she was after me again.

She is wonderful.  A two year old Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever mix that our family rescued.  Her life is very simple -- she wants to be loved, and of course rewarded for waking me up, usually much earlier than I would otherwise desire.

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